Building Consent Support

Building Consent Support

Ensuring that the correct Building Consent documentation is lodged at the outset and the correct process followed is crucial to receiving a timely and hassle-free consent approval.

Our staff within the Building Consulting team at CoveKinloch are familiar with the building consent process. Also, we are experienced in Council requirements and negotiating with Council in these circumstances. They are available to provide support to those requiring it.

A well-managed process will lead to the receipt of the all-important Code Compliance Certificate (CCC).

Our service can be tailored to suit the level of input required by our clients and can typically cover the following areas.

  • Project Planning Phase: Agreeing scope of work, consentable or non-consentable , pre-application meeting., building consent exemption letters, or proceed with a building consent application.
  • Documentation Phase: Commissioning and or collating all the required documentation for the building consent application. This documentation must be completed by appropriately qualified individuals and be compliant with the NZ Building Code.
  • Application Phase: Building consent application made on behalf of our client. Handle any Requests for Information if received.
  • Construction Phase: Receive the building consent and review any conditions and understand their implications. Ensuring all relevant parties are aware of their responsibilities during the building phase all with the CCC in mind. Provide construction and H&S compliance monitoring and quality assurance services.
  • CCC Phase: Bring together and collate the documentation such as; Producer Statements, work certificates, LBP certificates, as built drawings, information for specified systems etc.



Hussein Ali
Senior Building Consultant
029 520 9597
Sandeep Patel
Building Consultant
021 136 1864
Jason Timms
Senior Building Consultant
022 687 3498