Premises Condition Report

Pre-Lease Condition Record

The 6th Edition 2012 of the Auckland District Law Society Deed of Lease has provision for the inclusion of a “Premises Condition Report” that can be attached within the Sixth Schedule of the Deed.

This provision is designed to help clarify the process of identifying ‘make good’ obligations at lease termination stage. As a result, it can be many years from the lease commencement. In providing more definitive clarity at this future date. It is expected that the number of disputes relating to quantum and cost of the making good will be reduced.

Our report will provide independent evidence of the condition of the premises at commencement date. It will also include a summary of the landlord’s fittings and fixtures. With the exclusion of fair wear and tear the tenant is obliged to return the premises in the same clean order repair and condition to the landlord at lease termination.

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