News & Insights




New Fire Evacuation Regulations – 1 July 2018

Jun 27, 2018

On 1 July 2018 the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018 will replace the existing Fire Safety and Evacuation of Buildings Regulations 2006.

The new regulations will impact both owners and tenants of buildings; there are also some prescribed changes that specify certain matters such as the content and colour of Fire Action Notices.

Some of the key changes are as follows:

  • Building owners AND tenants are now required to ensure means of escape are kept free from obstacles
  • The evacuation procedure must make provision for any persons requiring particular assistance
  • Fire Action Notices must be of a certain colour, format and the text to be a certain size
  • Fines have increased from $200 to $10,000 for an individual and $20,000 in other cases
  • FENZ may now revoke or require a variation  to approved schemes
  • In certain cases, unscheduled alarms may be treated as a trial evacuation
  • Unscheduled evacuations must be reported to FENZ
  • Reporting of trial evacuations is now more comprehensive, including the details of training sessions and the functionality of the fire alarm system
  • Where persons nominated as a contact for a building is absent from NZ for more than 21 days, they must notify FENZ
  • There are also amended requirements to report non operation of fire alarms and works to buildings
  • Schemes will also note if there are obligations around response plans under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015

Whilst the list of changes may appear to be significant we have been working with the Fire Protection Association and Fire Emergency New Zealand to prepare our team to manage these as they come into effect. Many of our documents already cover the prescribed changes; this ensures the transition to the new regulations is seamless for our clients.

We are committed to working with our clients and building owners to ensure occupiers are well supported, the building meets all of the legislative evacuation requirements and to provide advice for risk reduction and false alarm calls.

If you need advice or have a query relating to Fire Evacuations feel free to contact us.


Kim Foster – 029 520 9586 |
Phil Jackson – 029 520 9587 |


Catherine Trotter – 09 839 6127 |
Trevor McCracken – 021 849 840 |


Gavin Rhodes – 021 861 832 |


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