Building Condition Report



Exterior Fabrics

Weather Tightness


Building Services

BWOF and Compliance


Council Property File Review

Commercial and industrial buildings are complex and valuable assets requiring knowledge and technical understanding in order to ensure functionality and value are maintained.

Reports carried out by a senior commercial building surveyor with an independent technical team in support, are a common request from clients seeking quality information relating to their assets.

Our Building Condition Reports can have a broad or targeted brief and can cover all or part of the following: exterior fabrics, weather tightness, common areas, structure, compliance features, building services, building warrant of fitness. We can also include structural, geotechnical and environmental matters if requested.

The condition and remaining life of the key elements is established along with itemised deferred and planned maintenance. Possible capital expenditure and cost budgets for all of these items depending upon the specific brief.

Typically we are engaged by a building owner, however we have completed such reports for lessees prior to committing to a Deed of Lease to assist them with negotiations and ensuring the building is fit for their specific purpose.

Click here for an offer of service or if you would like to discuss your project with us and we'll come back to you within 2-3 days.

Call us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your project with us.