Accessibility Reports

Escape from fires

Access and facilities for persons with disabilities

Compliance with the Building Act

When altering an existing building, the New Zealand Building Act requires that the Building Consent Authority is satisfied that, after the alteration, the building will comply as nearly as is reasonably practicable with the provisions of the Building Code that relate to the following:

  1. Means of Escape from Fire.
  2. Access and facilities for persons with disabilities.

All other provisions of the Building Code only need to comply to the same extent as before the alteration.

At CoveKinloch we specialise in both means of escape from fire and access and facilities for persons with disabilities

Accessibility issues are complex particularly with existing buildings and compliance will be required to obtain a building consent. We are now increasingly seeing the use of “Accessibility Reports” accompanying architectural documentation as part of the package submitted for building consent in the same way a Fire Design Report is attached.

Typically an “Accessibility Report” will cover matters such as door widths, surface finishes, toilet layout and numbers, lifts, handrails, car parking and signage. Our reports will identify non-compliance with New Zealand Standard Design for Access and Mobility – Building Associated Facilities, NZS4121:2001.

Our Accessibilty Reports offer key benefits


They allow a specialist to focus on the accessibility requirements enabling the architect or designer to focus on key building design elements.


The Building Consent Authority can review compliance with greater surety and speed during the application review process.


Third Party Responsibility is a legal requirement under the Building Act. By having CoveKinloch engaged as a third party to complete an Accessibility Report, it will address the shared responsibility in relation to the Building Act as well as dealing with the elements that relate to Health and Safety.

Get in touch if you have questions or would like to discuss your project with us.

Contact us for an offer of service and we'll have it ready for you within 2-3 days.

Call us on 0800 268 354

The Accessibility Reports Team